Finding the Phœnix

Finding the Phœnix

What is it that links Britain, specifically Cornwall, to the Phœnicians?  Is it merely tin trade routes in antiquity, or something far deeper and more profound?  Find out (among many other things) what came between the Flood and the first of the Great Migrations to Britain in 1527 B.C., why Poseidon's other name is Wanax, which is the same as Oannes, the Sumerian fish-man and original Phœnix; why 'phœnix' is the botanical name for the date palm, which was sacred because it has both sexes on one tree; why the Phœnix is associated with Christ--and why the Phœnix makes his Nest in the British Isles.  Discover connections between the British (whose name means 'Earth' in Welsh and 'covenant' in Hebrew) and the rest of the ancient world; why variants of the true name for the Welsh, the Khumry, are found everywhere; and what happens when Neptune's trident meets the three legs of the Awen on the plane of reality.

Due out Easter 2025

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