The Metamorphosis of Dafydd M. Williams, Detective, Parts 1-3

The Metamorphosis of Dafydd M. Williams, Detective, Parts 1-3

Publication date: 21/10/2024

When Dafydd M. Williams took early retirement, he moved to a seaside village back in his native country of Wales.  He wasn't sure what you were supposed to do once you had retired; he went for long walks, acquired a rescue cat, and sometimes caught the train to Aberyswyth to go shopping.  He dutifully turned up at Chapel every Sunday, but made sure that he never got involved.  He deflected most of his fellow attendees' questions and offered no opinions, and after three years still no one at the Chapel knew any more about him than they could see by looking.  Then one evening he was attacked on his way to Bible Study.

Hit in the face with a batter pudding.  A large, juicy batter pudding.

Such an outrage must have happened for a good reason, and mild-mannered, inoffensive Dafydd Williams was fired with determination, for the first time in his sixty-seven blameless (and not terribly interesting) years, to do whatever it took to get to the bottom of the mystery.


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Reviews for The Metamorphosis of Dafydd M. Williams, Detective, Parts 1-3

I very much enjoyed this book.  Essentially set in Borth on the Welsh Coast, the three parts are linked by both the setting and amateur detective Dafydd M. Williams, but new and old characters and plots are introduced as the stories develop.  They are fun, unusual and highly original with odd phrases of Welsh included (subtly translated for non-speakers).

Di Purser

The stories were most enjoyable, especially 'the Dreaded Batter Pudding-Hurler of Borth'.  'Batter pudding', or as we called it, 'Yorkshire pudding', was a Sunday dinner staple at home or visiting.  They came in different sizes, shapes, and weights, and there were some that I wouldn't want to be hit with!  Malinda Law certainly has a good imagination.  We enjoyed her sense of humour, and we couldn't put the book down.  We are both ready for her next one.

M. P.

Thoroughly enjoyable book following the trials, tribulations and triumphs of the eponymous hero of the stories. Best thought of perhaps as "comfy crime" as the stakes are lower and far less violent than in the cosy crime wave of novels currently sweeping the nation with a battered pudding to the face as threatening as it gets.  This is a good read to curl up with on a winter's night with a welsh cake and a steaming cuppa or while sitting on the beach during a seaside summer break with an 99 flake in the other hand with the seagulls swirling overhead and the waves gently breaking.  Recommended for all and especially anyone with a love of Wales and their marvellous people.  You can almost hear the beautiful Welsh accent as you read. Buy one or more!

K. Weston

A delightful, heart-warming series with gentle humour inspired by The Goons!  The plots are highly imaginative and the kind, pleasant characters restore one's faith in human nature.  Really looking forward to the next instalment!

Sally Alden

I feel both lucky and very proud to have been able to sign Malinda Law as William Congreve & Co.'s first 'external' author.  She possesses an enviable Austenian ability to transform the everyday into an entertaining and absorbing page-turner--and Dafydd M. Williams, retired railwayman, is definitely not your average detective.  Taking to his new life in Borth with initial reluctance, he puts his faith in God as adventure after adventure befalls him in and around the pretty Welsh village, more and more cats weave their way into his heart, and he finds both friends and accomplices aplenty.  A gentle joy to curl up with--and Parts 1-3 are just the beginning . . .

Marchell Abrahams